Monday 22 May 2017

Too weird even for me!

Namaste guys what's shaking?

With the in laws in town, there are a few things that I need to take into consideration.

Don't get me wrong , I'm still myself , just in a subtle way. When My Father in Law suggested that we attend church yesterday evening because I I worked during the day , my first instinct was to say no or make something up about not going but to be fair, this is the guy who has always stuck up for me every time my partner's ex wife has been a pain in the ass and when my own partner needs a smack around the head.

My answer was "ok, let's go!"

My daughter's reaction was "yay! We're going to church!"

What can I say?

We arrived , David managed to use the "I can't go because I need to rest for my night shift! " card and I ended up going with my daughter who had to go to "Sunday" school which she said she enjoyed.

It's all fun and games until they start teaching the kids about fire and brimstone and if you do bad things you can always blame the mythical scapegoat instead of holding yourself accountable.

Moving on , it starts with the signing the praises and my father in law dressed in his best suit and his big assed bible singing along.

And praising.. did I mention he was a preacher. ..

The usual happens later, a verse from the bible and a special guest. In this case a Christian female singer and later a Mexican preacher with a big church in Dallas (where else!)

Then comes the part that is always the same every time I go to this church. The Preacher's wife who is also a preacher says the same speech which is "this church is a church of progress and prosperity ... how many of you think that? " people say amen and then she talks about how the church needs to be upgraded to move with the times.. she's asking for money.

And people are willing enough to tithe or give an offering or the first pay check of the month. Because it says so in the Bible.

In case you're wondering what a Tithe is, it's when you give 10 percent of your earnings to the church.

My brother in law was having a bit of fun with me by handing me an envelope and telling me "give me your tithe and I'll hold on to it for you till next week!"

I smiled a bit.

Then this Mexican preacher gave us a sermon about how we have to tithe because it's bad for us to have so much money and we can't take it with us when we die and can't go into heaven. He used different wording but I got the message loud and clear.

I'm broke as it is right now and even if I wasn't, I'm not falling for this shit.

But it got me thinking about doing something to help my business grow with regards to baking.

More on that another time.

This guy dragged on and I was wondering what time was I going to take my daughter home to feed her dinner and every one else was wondering when they were going to leave to watch the rest of the match that determined who own the Spanish League. (REAL MADRID!)

I was glad to be home with a cup of tea and my daughter fed, changed with homework done and sleeping.

The weird part of the evening was about to start.

I have a side hustle which involves selling stuff that we don't use or need anymore and I advertise my bakery business.

I got a message from a guy who said he wanted to buy a pair of shoes I was selling.

I thought great , he's either buying them for a spouse or girl friend or it was the girl friend or spouse using the guy's account.

Here's where it gets weird, he then asks me if I know someone who would like to go swimming with him for free and then proceeds to tell me that he has a fetish of feet and legs which I thought ok, I won't judge whatever floats your boat as long as you're buying my shoes.

Then he insists that I go with him swimming and that's when I tell him that he's made a mistake and I'm not interested. He tells me thanks and stops bothering me.

WTF? No really?

I don't know which is more disturbing. Going to church and watching how all these people stupidly chant and sing like zombies and hand over the money they need to survive or this guy.

With that said and done, Namaste till next time.

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